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Matching Process

At ICED, we guide you through each aspect of selecting an egg donor you are looking for. We provide the best experience starting with intended patients. ICED,我們會協助準父母挑選出合適,且滿足您需求的捐卵者,我們將致力於給您最貼心的服務。

Step 1 – Schedule The Online Video Initial Consultations

Once you are considering a Chinese egg donor, it’s time for an initial consultation with ICED. We need to know why you need the sperm donors, how many eggs /embryos you need, select the gender or not and if you need to schedule the sperm retrieval on the same day as the egg donor. During this consultation, we will demonstrate donors that you are looking for and once you see our database, you can decide if you want the access to go through our donor database. We provide the free 7 days access to our database will directly show you detailed information about the donors, photos, childhood photos, egg retrieval reports, screening reports, diploma, and videos. We will update the new egg donors and inform you if any new donors meet your requirements.

Step 2 – Select Donor and Sign the Contract

When an egg donor has been selected from your side, we will arrange the Intended Parents agreement meeting and egg donor agreement meeting separately to confirm both sides know their duties and rights. Once sign the contract, the Intended Parents have to pay the agency fee, legal fee, and donor local screening fee within 7 working days to book the donor’s availability.

Step 3 – Local Medical Screening

Once we receive your confirmation, our team at ICED will contact your fertility clinic and physician. During this time, the egg donor will receive the latest screening test items (AMH, ultrasound, chromosome test, inherit gene test, STI, Drug Abuse Screen, etc) from the physician. Egg donor has to complete the screening on her local clinics and upload the report to IVF physicians.

Step 4 – Fly to IVF clinics and Synchronizing Cycles

After passing the medical screening, the donor will take a few birth control pills and fly to the IVF clinic IP selected. After the egg donor arrives IVF clinic, ICED will supervise the egg donor to administer ovulation induction drugs on time according to the doctor’s instructions, and monitor the time of the egg donor’s follow-up examination and egg-breaking injection to ensure that the cycle is correct. The donor has to take ovulation-stimulating injections on her belly for around 14-18 days. This will allow the egg donor and the surrogate to sync cycles for maximal egg viability.

Step 5 – Egg & Sperm Retrieval

Now that the cycles of the donor and recipient are aligned (or frozen eggs) , a minimally invasive egg retrieval procedure is performed to remove the donor’s eggs. That same day the male partner or sperm donor will provide a semen specimen for fertilization.

Step 6 – In Vitro Fertilization

After the eggs and sperm have been retrieved, your reproductive endocrinologist will start the in vitro fertilization (IVF) process. IVF is the process of fertilization by manually combining an egg and sperm in a laboratory dish. When the IVF procedure is successful, the process is combined with a procedure known as embryo transfer, which involves physically placing the embryo in the uterus.

Step 7 – Pregnancy Test

Approximately two weeks after the embryo transfer, a pregnancy test is administered. Hopefully, the IVF treatment was a success and you will be expecting a new addition to your family!