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How much does it cost to donate eggs? Is there a fixed price for egg donation nutrition?


How much does it cost to donate eggs? Is there a fixed price for egg donation nutrition?

The topic of egg donation is already a mature topic in international reproductive medicine, but due to the regulations of the Taiwan government, only blind donation is allowed (that is, you cannot see the photo of the egg donor) and there is an upper limit on the amount (NT$99,000). Netizens often share their experience of egg donation on ptt and dcard, as well as how much nutritional supplements and money they have earned through egg and sperm donation. In addition to helping infertile families or same-sex couples realize their dreams, the nutritional supplements that can be obtained after successfully completing the egg donation are also the reason why many people are eager to try.
How much does it cost to donate eggs overseas? According to Taiwan’s artificial reproduction law, the maximum amount of nutrition reimbursement for egg donation is NT$99,000. Overseas, it is divided into egg banks and prospective parents to make a decision. The egg bank is the amount that American hospitals are willing to pay for your eggs (about 8,000 US dollars). For matching, it depends on the budget of the prospective parents (young people with donation experience, high education, good looks, high height, and high age may pay more than 10,000 US dollars)
If you are considering signing up for egg donation, you must first understand the important information!
How much does it cost to donate eggs in the United States?
Egg donation in the United States and Taiwan both provide nutrition money, but the amount is different, and the donation procedures are different. Because the childbearing age of women is now higher, many working women postpone childbearing, or cannot find a partner at the childbearing age, resulting in poor quality of their own eggs, making it more difficult to conceive, and need to rely on other women’s eggs to give birth to healthy babies.
According to Taiwan’s Artificial Reproduction Law , egg donation is a legal donation behavior. Legal egg donors in Taiwan can receive a nutrition allowance of NT$99,000. As long as you donate sperm or eggs through a medical institution that has been evaluated by the National Health Administration of the Ministry of Health and Welfare as a channel for sperm and egg donation, and at the same time meet the sperm and egg donation conditions stipulated by the law and pass the health assessment, you can receive the above nutrition allowance amount after completing sperm or egg donation, but each person in Taiwan can only receive it once.
Egg donation in the United States is protected by the U.S. federal government. Egg donation, IVF, and surrogacy are all legally protected in the United States. Egg donation in the United States is divided into two types: hospital egg bank and prospective parent matching. The compensation (nutrition allowance) for egg donation is also different.
American Hospital Egg Bank: According to the hospital’s review standards, the age, height, education, photo, appearance, whether the donor has donated before, and whether there are genetic diseases will be reviewed. The cost is about 8,000 US dollars. Local accommodation is provided, while the inspection fee in Taiwan is about 16,000 and the air ticket needs to be paid by the donor in advance to ensure that the donation will be made as expected. At least 20 eggs are required for donation, and all must be given to the hospital. You cannot ask for a share for your own future use.
Prospective Parents Matching:
Most of them are Chinese (Chinese or Taiwanese in the United States). Based on the donor’s photos and videos and conditions, the prospective parents will decide how much they are willing to pay to buy your eggs. Most of them start at $10,000. You still need to pay for the examination fees and air tickets, and after the egg retrieval is passed, you can transfer the money internationally to a Taiwanese account. You still need 20 eggs, which cannot be saved for your own use in the future.
How much does it cost to donate eggs? Are there any additional costs?
The egg donor pays for the entire process from health check-up to egg retrieval, including registration fees, and the hospital will refund the amount after verification. The hospital will pay the fees regardless of whether the egg donor passes the examination or not. However, if the egg donor cancels the egg donation examination by himself, the fees cannot be reimbursed.
You can earn so much money by donating eggs, are there any restrictions?
  • Donors must meet the egg donation requirements:
  • Aged 20 or above and under 30
  • Height 155cm or above
  • BMI between 18 and 24
  • The AMH value on the third day of menstruation is higher than 3. The number of follicles on ultrasound is more than 20.
  • No bad habits such as drug abuse
  • Applicable for donation after health examination
Circumstances in which egg donation is not allowed:
  • History of mental illness
  • Have a history of genetic diseases, including: chromosomal abnormalities, SMA spinal muscular atrophy, FXS fragile fractures, epilepsy, history of hemophilia, thalassemia, diabetes, family history of color blindness
  • History of infectious diseases, including syphilis, gonorrhea, AIDS, hepatitis B surface antigen, chlamydia infection

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